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7 Ways to Increase Your Home Office Productivity


Working from home is super practical! You can be your own boss, make your own rules, work at your own pace and decorate your space the way you like. However, the best things about home offices can often become the worst things when you start losing focus and getting less and less productive without anyone to push you. Luckily, there are a few easy ways to design your home office to boost your productivity and motivate you to achieve amazing results.

Declutter like crazy

Home offices are like magnets for dirty mugs and plates, old mail and documents, piles of folders and scattered office materials. But, resist the urge to turn your office into a storage and get rid of that clutter that has been clouding your productivity! Invest in folder cabinets and closed storage to remove all distractions while keeping them organized and within arm's reach.

Paint it blue

home office painted in blue

There's a great reason why interior designers are always talking about the psychology of colors! It's true that the color of the walls can influence your mood, productivity, stress levels and general well-being. Most experts agree that the best color for productivity (especially if you do mind-work all day) is blue. Combine it with a few splashes of orange or yellow to break the monotony and you'll have a home office that's comfortable, productive and inspiring!

Invest in comfort

It's impossible to be productive and focused while your neck and back are killing you and you're constantly moving behind your desk to find a comfortable sitting position. That's why investing in an ergonomic chair and table are two of the most important steps towards a good home office! And don't worry, today you can get your comfy furniture without too much fuss and shopping around. Just check out Winc.com.au and you'll find virtually everything you need for designing a practical, comfortable and productive office. They even offer height-adjustable desks, footrests, backrests and chair mats that can all boost your comfort and eliminate that nasty back pain!

Let the sunshine in

Another good thing you can do for your home office productivity is let plenty of natural light inside. This type of lighting offers just the right brightness that will illuminate your space without hurting your eyes. So, open up those curtains, rearrange the office layout and harness the sun!

Plant a plant

Just a single indoor plant can do wonders in your home office. It will rid your space of toxins, provide you with extra oxygen and add a pop of pleasant color to the space! And don't worry about your black thumb. Types like snake plants, bamboos and all types of cacti are practically impossible to kill.

Not all distractions are bad

No matter how busy you are, a short break every once in a while will do your brain much good. So, make sure to have these useful distractions within arm's reach for when you need to unwind. A book, game app, musical instrument or a quick crossword puzzle are all good choices and can be tucked away quickly when it's time to continue working!

Establish work hours

One of the best ways to maximize your productivity is to establish work hours in your home office. You're still your own boss (you can set any sort of hours you find fitting) but make sure to respect the work hours. This way, you will not waste your entire day chilling in your office, but actually work to fill your quota!

Once you set up your home office according to these tips, you'll feel motivated, productive and achieve amazing professional results! Plus, you'll get to spend less time stuck in your office and spend more time with your family and friends!

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